PTM 140702619

1) The picture is ____ the wall.
a)    in
b)   under
c)    onü

2) The desks are ____ the blackboard in the classroom.
a)    opposite ü
b)   between
c)    above

3) The cat always sleeps ____ my bed.
a)    underü
b)   above
c)    between

4) The book is ____ the mug and the pen.
a)    in
b)   betweenü
c)    on

5) There is a bench ____ my house.
a)    under
b)   on
c)    in front ofü

6) There are apple trees ____ the house.
a)    behindü
b)   in
c)    on

7) The bookshop is ____ the bank.
a)    between
b)   above
c)    next toü

8) There is a museum ____ the school.
a)    in
b)   oppositeü
c)    under

9) There is a bed ____ my room.
a)    inü
b)   on
c)    under

10) The books are ____ my schoolbag.
a)    above
b)   inü
c)    between


1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.
A. Take
B. All
C. Your
D. Energy ü

2. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.
A. Many
B. Great
C. Placed
D. Reserve ü

3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.
A. Bridge ü
B. Was
C. Opened
D. In

4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.
A. And
B. Were
C. During
D. War ü

5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone.
A. True
B. Because
C. Their
D. Bone ü

6. Joe, have you met your new boss?
A. Have
B. Met
C. Your
D. Boss ü

7. Sue's parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.
A. North ü
B. But
C. Not
D. Adapt

8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students.
A. Mastering
B. Important
C. Younger
D. Students ü

9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality.
A. Seize
B. Its
C. Flagrant
D. Neutrality ü

10. The Trojans' rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.
A. Their
B. Led
C. Accept
D. Destruction ü

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